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Crash Averse

Here's another way to think about the cut-through issue. In this graphic, each black triangle represents an accident stored in the FDOT crash database. As you would expect, US192 is solidly colored in.  This segment of US192  has the highest accident rate of any corridor in Brevard, according to SCTPO. (See CAC meeting 11 Oct 2021).


Now imagine that you are a crash-averse driver travelling from, say, Fell Rd/Minton, and heading for the Melbourne Mall area.  You can continue north on Minton, following the westward curve (adding distance and time), wait at the Minton/US192 intersection, which is notorious for being congested and for having a high accident rate, and then turn east onto the segment of US192 which has the highest accident rate of any corridor in Brevard … take your chances.


Or you can take that tempting shortcut on the new road, and either take Henry/Hollywood, or Doherty/ US192 to the mall.


If your mindset is to avoid becoming one of those little black triangles, what will you do?



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